Hampy site: 4 nights in, and looking good
On Monday night, I started working on a completely new, completely better web web site for Hampy, a volunteer organisation that I kind of ran into here in Cusco. Between Monday and today, I've spent about 5 hours each night working on the site, over at Jorge's house (AKA "Hampy HQ), where I have access to his computer and Internet. And already, the new site is looking pretty good. Design basically done, rough navigation structure done, and a bit of the interactivity done.
Despite having been a bit sick this week (on-and-off since Saturday's buffet lunch), I managed to work a fair bit. However, it looks like I'm still going to need a fair bit more time to get it completely finished. I originally planned to leave Cusco straight after my 3-day rafting trip (which I hope to embark upon this Sunday). But I'm pretty much definitely going on a trip to the jungle, with some Hampy people, the week after that. So I guess I'll be working on the site during all my spare time around and in-between those trips.