Jaza's World Trip

Paro (PDD)

A paro is a "strike" or a "demonstration". Generally, disgruntled workers hold a paro. It usually involved the stoppage of services (such as public transport), rioting, and sometimes violence. Since I'm going to Bolivia soon, I'll no doubt be witnessing quite a few paros there (as they're basically a way of life in Bolivia). In fact, there's a big paro going on there right now — I hope it's finished by the time I arrive there. Paro can also mean "unemployed": a dole bludger could say "estoy en paro" (lit: "I'm unemployed"). Also elderly people and smokers (in particular) are sometimes known to have a "paro cardiaco" (lit: "cardiac arrest", or "heart attack").

Well, this is the 10th and final PDD for my time here in Cusco. It's been good doing these PDDs the past two weeks, but I'm pretty much over them by now. Anyway, let's be honest: they were basically a way of filling in blog space during the remainder of my quiet-not-on-the-road time here at Amigos; and now that I'm finished with school, I won't be learning as many "palabras nuevas" ("new words"). But I hope that all you readers have enjoyed them.

Filed in: CuscoPalabra Del Día