We've been seeing a lot of signs around Newton Center lately, telling us to "vote for Geoff Epstein". Well, this afternoon we finally met the mysterious Geoff himself. In a ridiculous turn of coincidence, Geoff Epstein is an Aussie ex-pat, who's been married and living here in Boston for over 30 years. The signs are up all over town, because he's running in the elections for something to do with the local council. Geoff seems like a friendly guy, although we're not sure whether or not we're related to him.

Vote for Geoff!
We met Geoff at the local fair this afternoon, which was being held in the main shopping area of Newton Center. The fair was a very low-key, local little shindig: just a few people advertising and petitioning for various local causes, and a handful of others selling shmonsers and doing fun kids' stuff. Good thing to see on a Sunday afternoon.

Newton Center fair.