Jaza's World Trip


Photo gallery for this site.

Nick Lewis, cool Texan and even cooler blogger.

Dopry, who I honestly thought would have an Irish accent, but who doesn’t.

Kieran Lal (on the left), head of CivicSpace, and the first Drupal guy that I met today (saw him on the train in).

Jose Reyero (red t-shirt, in the middle), guy in charge of the i18n module, and cool Spanish dude.

Adrian, my SoC mentor last year, who couldn’t make it due to visa difficulties, but whose very amicable cardboard stunt double I met.

Jjeff, the unofficial voice of Drupal.

Boris Mann, ultra-Bryght guy, and world-renowned camera magnet.

Sepeck, Drupal documentation and support extraordinaire.

RobertDouglass, author of the first-ever Drupal book, big big SoC advocate, and one of so damn many Lullabots.

Merlinofchaos, the guy who has a view on everything.