The original attraction of San Cristóbal was that it was a cozy, quiet mountain town, with plenty of locals and not too many tourists. Unfortunately, this image has drawn a plethora of tourists to San Cristóbal, and it's ultimately been the town's undoing. There are Internet cafés, tour agencies, hotels, and herbal medicine stores on every street corner. And every second person you walk past in the street is a fellow gringo. Not quite the simple, spartan, unsophisticated place I was expecting.
Looks quaint, acts cosmo.
Last night, we went to a restaurant near the centre of town. The menu was the weirdest menu I've ever seen. There was no Spanish! Only English and French, laid on top of each other in a bizarre higgledy-piggledy manner. You know a place in Mexico is overtouristed, when you have to specifically ask to see a restaurant's menu in Spanish.