I spent the second day of Rosh Hashanah much as I did the first: that is, praying and eating (and plenty of both) at "Chabad La Metayel", here in downtown Buenos Aires. We did a lot better with getting a minyan this morning, which was good: the service had already started when I arrived; and we had time to do it properly, with all the singing and the joy that really (in my opinion) makes a shul service special. And as with yesterday, we had plenty of shofar sounding interspersed throughout the prayers; and a long and cosy (and totally over-catered) lunch in the afternoon.
Following the second-day lunch, we had an afternoon break, during which I walked back to The Clan for a siesta. All that eating and praying is hard work — no, really, I was buggered, and I slept all afternoon! However, I came back to shul at about 8pm — by this time, the two days that constitute Rosh Hashanah had officially finished; but this being Friday night, they'd immediately given way to Erev Shabbat. So we had a Shabbat evening service (quite a good turnout — lots of fresh Israeli faces), followed by yet another massive, chicken-filled, glat kosher meal. More eating, more singing, more Hebrew.
I'm now completely "shuled out": I need a week to recover from it all, until we hit Yom Kippur. But it's been a really incredible way to spend the New Year, and I'm very grateful to the people that have made it possible.